Welcome To Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church
Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church is located in Canton, Ohio. Jerusalem is a COME AS YOU ARE kind of church - a community of imperfect people doing life together, becoming all that God created us to be. We don’t care who you voted for, what your tax bracket may be, or what your zip code is. Whether you’ve had a relationship with God your whole life or you’re not even sure He exists, we’re glad to meet you where you are. Bring your question, doubts, fears, and hurts- no need to leave anything at the door.
We here at Jerusalem would like to connect with the community where we worship God at. We want to help you connect with others who live near you. Share your interests or happen to be in a similar life stage, largely because we encourage you to come as you are. BUT DON’T STAY AS YOU ARE. By getting to know others who are also seeking to know God, you can learn to experience life to the fullest, be more of who God created you to be, and learn to love God and others more deeply. We believe lasting life changes happens in community with others. Together, Not perfectly, but intentionally.
To connect people to Jesus Christ and to each other while reaching out to the World, Preaching to the Unsaved, and Teaching the Saved to Serve
To be a place where LOVE WORKS and where everyone is active in KINGDOM BUILDING

IS TO INTENTIONALLY CULTIVATES A GENUINE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD by humbly walking through life with God, talking and listening to God, and intentionally seeking to personally know him.
IN SCRIPTURE, GOD USES A SURPRISING WORD to describe the relationship between himself and Abraham. He refers to Abraham as “my friend” (Isaiah 41:8). Similarly, toward the end of his earthly life, Jesus wants his closest followers to know how much he values their relationship when he says. “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). To authentically follow Christ is the cultivation and experience of a genuine relationship with God. Yes, there is reverence, awe and worship of God, but there is also a daily walking and talking with God that overtime has its own unique intimacy. This relationship is cultivated with God through prayer and Scripture, and like any relationship, can grow cold without intentionality and effort. But when we engage the highly intentional practice of talking and listening to God, we then develop our own relationship with him that is ever-present throughout our daily lives.